A Guide to Altering Your Age: Learning How to Tweak Your Birthday on Facebook


Have you ever wished you could turn back the clock and be a few years younger? Well, with Facebook, you can! That's right - you can tweak your birthday on Facebook to make yourself appear younger or older. But how do you do it without getting caught?

Here's where our guide comes in. We'll show you step-by-step how to alter your age on Facebook without raising any suspicions. From changing your birth year to adjusting your privacy settings, we've got you covered.

But why would anyone want to change their age on Facebook, you might ask? Maybe you made your account when you were younger and now want to appear more mature. Or perhaps you just want to hide your real age for privacy reasons. Whatever your motive may be, we won't judge - we'll just help you get it done.

Intrigued? Then let's get started on our guide to altering your age on Facebook. By the end of this article, you'll be able to confidently tweak your birthday without anyone suspecting a thing. So settle in, grab a cup of coffee, and let's begin!

Comparing A Guide to Altering Your Age: Learning How to Tweak Your Birthday on Facebook


If you're a Facebook user, you may have noticed that some of your friends have birthdays that seem to be permanently stuck at a certain age. If you want to join in on the fun and learn how to tweak your own birthday on Facebook, there are a few different methods you can try. In this blog post, we'll compare some of the most popular methods and explore their pros and cons.

The Manual Method

The manual method involves changing your birth year in your Facebook profile settings. This is a simple process that doesn't require any special knowledge or techniques. However, it does mean that you'll need to remember to change your birth year each time you want to update your age on Facebook. It's also not foolproof, as Facebook may still be able to figure out your real age based on other information you've shared on the platform.

The Javascript Method

The Javascript method involves using a browser extension or the browser's console to alter your birth year on Facebook. This method is more advanced than the manual method and requires some technical expertise. However, once you've set it up, you won't need to worry about changing your birth year every year. The downside is that if you're not careful, you could accidentally mess up your Facebook account or even get banned from the platform.

The VPN Method

The VPN method involves using a virtual private network (VPN) to create a new Facebook account with a fake birthday. This method is the most foolproof of the three, as Facebook won't be able to track your real age as easily. However, it does require signing up for a VPN and creating a new Facebook account, which can take some time and effort. It's also worth noting that Facebook doesn't allow users to have multiple accounts, so you could potentially get banned from the platform if you're caught.

Table Comparison

Pros Cons
Manual Method Easy to do Needs constant updates; not foolproof
Javascript Method Doesn't require constant updates Requires technical expertise; can mess up your account
VPN Method Most foolproof Takes time and effort to set up; can get you banned


Overall, the manual method is the easiest for most people to use, but it requires constant updating. The Javascript method is more advanced, but it's more convenient in the long run. The VPN method is the most foolproof, but it requires the most effort to set up. Ultimately, which method you choose depends on your own preferences and technical ability. However, it's worth noting that Facebook has made it clear that users should not misrepresent their age on the platform, so proceed with caution.

Thank you for taking the time to read through our guide to tweaking your birthday on Facebook. We hope that you have found this article informative and helpful in achieving your desired age display on social media.

While the temptation to alter your age may be strong, we remind you to consider the potential consequences of misrepresenting yourself online. It may seem harmless, but age can affect everything from job opportunities to insurance rates. Additionally, providing false information is a violation of Facebook's terms of service and could result in account suspension or termination.

Ultimately, the decision to change or keep your birthday accurate is up to you. We simply want to provide the necessary information for you to make an informed decision. Thank you again for reading, and we wish you all the best in your online endeavors.

Here are some commonly asked questions about altering your age on Facebook:

  1. Is it possible to change my birth year on Facebook?

    Yes, you can change the year of your birth on Facebook. However, you cannot change the day or month of your birth unless you delete your account and create a new one.

  2. Why would someone want to alter their age on Facebook?

    There are many reasons why someone might want to change their age on Facebook. Some people may want to appear younger or older than they actually are, while others may want to protect their privacy by not revealing their true age.

  3. Can changing my age on Facebook affect my account?

    Yes, altering your age on Facebook can have consequences. If you change your age to be younger than 13, you may be violating Facebook's terms of service and risk having your account suspended or deleted. Additionally, if you change your age to be older than 100, Facebook may flag your account for review.

  4. How do I change my birth year on Facebook?

    To change your birth year on Facebook, go to your profile and click on About. Then, scroll down to the Basic Info section and click on the pencil icon next to your birth date. From there, you can edit the year of your birth and save your changes.

  5. Will changing my age on Facebook affect my friends or posts?

    No, changing your age on Facebook should not affect your friends or posts. However, if you have set certain privacy settings based on your age, those settings may be affected by the change.